Designed for You: Discover Our Booking System
One of the most common questions asked by new homeowners at the beginning of their journey is: “How can I book the weeks that are special to me and my family? Our answer is simple: with our own innovative booking system.
Our booking system has been thoughtfully designed to make booking your holidays seamless. This intuitive system ensures your time in your home is fairly distributed, giving every homeowner the opportunity to enjoy peak or high season holiday periods or spontaneous getaways.
We understand our new model comes with questions and potential concerns, such as “what if my time with someone overlaps?” Or “who gets access to Christmas”?
To give you an overview, the below table will explain how the type of stays in our booking system work:
Type of stays | Explanation | Summary |
Nights | How many nights per year? | 44 nights |
Calendar | Open for next 24 month period (rolling) | 24 months |
Advance Bookings | Peace of mind to book in advance the times that are special to you | 6 Stays in total, per year |
Peak Season | Special holidays (Christmas, NYE, Easter etc.) | 1 "Peak Season" Stay per year |
High Season | Holiday periods (School Holidays, summer, etc.) | 2 "High Season" Stays per year |
Low Season | All other times | 3 Stays per year |
We are offering to see our booking system in action. You can now schedule a live demo with our team, who will walk you through the system step-by-step and answer all your questions. Experience firsthand how you can book effortless holidays, every time.